Napier V2 Audit Report


lens/* is not included*


During this audit, 3 high risk findings and 3 low risk findings were identified, all of which have been addressed accordingly.


High Risk

H-1 Yield calculation after maturity is invalid

function calcYield(uint256 prevMaxscale, uint256 maxscale, uint256 ytBalance) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    if (prevMaxscale >= maxscale) return 0;
    if (prevMaxscale == 0) return 0;
    return ((ytBalance * (maxscale - prevMaxscale)) * 1e18) / (prevMaxscale * maxscale);

Some underlying could have been redeemed after maturity and PT balance could be less than YT balance. Current formula will lead to insolvency, PT balance should be used instead.

Reaction: Fixed in

H-2 balanceBefore should be determined by tokenOut.isNative(), not tokenIn.isNative()

In AggregationRouter.sol, balanceBefore refers to the balance of the output token before the swap.

Reaction: Fixed in

H-3 Slippage control for swapYtForAnyToken is ineffective

function _swapYtForUnderlying(
        TwoCrypto twoCrypto,
        PrincipalToken principalToken,
        address yt,
        uint256 principal,
        ApproxValue sharesDx // Off-chain estimation `get_dx` result
    ) internal returns (uint256 shares) {
        principal = twoCrypto.get_dy(TARGET_INDEX, PT_INDEX, sharesDx.unwrap());
        SafeTransferLib.safeTransferFrom(yt, msg.sender, address(this), principal);

Here principal could be larger than the user specified params.principal. In this case, the price of the twoCrypto swap is actually in favor of the user. (So attacker cannot take profit for swapYtForToken)

However, in swapYtForAnyToken, there is another aggregator swap, attacker can sandwich the aggregator swap, and make user get exactly params.amountOutMin. Overall, the user will pay more than params.principal but only get params.amountOutMin, so attacker can take profit this time.

Reaction: Fixed in

Low Risk

L-1 Attacker can inflate reward index to dos the first depositor

Attacker can directly transfer underlying token to the PT contract right after deployment. Then the attacker frontruns the first depositor's tx and issue 1 wei of PT and YT, at this moment, some reward would already have been generated by the previously transferred token, so reward index will be extremely large. if the index is very close to (but smaller than) max(uint128) (10^18 × 10^18 ≈ 2^120 so it's possible), then after some time the index will overflow. As a result, the first depositor can no longer claim yield, unite or combine, they can only wait till maturity and redeem, and all yield will be lost.

Consider using uint256 for reward index.

Reaction: Acknowledged. Usually initial deposit is done atomically as soon as a pool is deployed through FE by TwoCryptoZap.createAndAddLiquidity function

L-2 Read-only reentrancy

Consider adding reentrancy guard to preview functions to prevent read-only reentrancy.

Reaction: Fixed in

L-3 Missing _refund in some functions

Some functions in Zap use aggregator but miss _refund. The unspent dust will be lost.

Reaction: Fixed in


I-1 Reward proxy can transfer underlying balance

Although reward proxy is considered trusted, consider checking the underlying balance before and after the delegatecall to increase the credibility of the core contract.

Reaction: Fixed in


Orbit Oracle Audit Report