SyncSwap Vortex Audit Report
During this audit, 2 high risk findings, 7 medium risk findings and 9 low risk findings were identified, all of which have been addressed accordingly.
High Risk
H-1 In function _withdraw
, _updateAdjustedStakedBalances
should update from
instead of to
In function _withdraw
, the line below should update from
's adjusted balance instead of to
's. Otherwise a malicious user may be able to manipulate other's reward.
_updateAdjustedStakedBalances(to, _newUserStaked, _newTotalStaked, _adjustedUserStaked, _adjustedTotalStaked);
Reaction: Confirmed
H-2 updateRewardToken
should not be used
function updateRewardToken(address rewardToken, address account, uint8 mode, bytes memory claimData) external override nonReentrant {
if (account == address(0)) {
_updateRewardToken(rewardToken, adjustedTotalStaked, account, 0, 0, "");
} else {
uint _adjustedUserStaked = adjustedUserStaked[account];
uint _adjustedTotalStaked = adjustedTotalStaked;
_updateRewardToken(rewardToken, _adjustedTotalStaked, account, _adjustedUserStaked, mode, claimData);
_updateAdjustedStakedBalances(account, userStaked[account], totalStaked, _adjustedUserStaked, _adjustedTotalStaked);
In function updateRewardToken
, the adjustedUserStaked
is updated. However, only one of the reward tokens is updated, accounting for the remaining tokens will be incorrect. (similar to M-2)
In a potential exploit scenario, Alice, who has a whale friend named Bob, only receives a 1.2x boost by holding veSync. She asks Bob to deallocate a large amount of tokens for a short period. Then, Alice calls updateRewardToken
, enabling her to receive a 2.0x boost (due to the decreased totalAllocation
). As a result, Alice can steal rewards from those not updated tokens and the reward will be insolvent.
Reaction: Confirmed
Medium Risk
M-1 redeemAndClaim
will always fail
In function redeemAndClaim
, _burn(msg.sender, amount);
will always revert due to the check in _beforeTokenTransfer
function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint amount) internal view override {
from == address(0) || from == address(this) || to == address(this) ||
IVortexTokenWhitelister(whitelister).isTransferWhitelisted(msg.sender, from, to, amount)/*,
"Not allowed"*/
Reaction: Confirmed, the workaround is using whitelister but better whitelist address(0) as 'to' by default.
M-2 increaseAllocation
or decreaseAllocation
without updating will lead to incorrect accounting
Suppose the user's debtRewardPerShare
is last updated at time t0, the global _rewardPerShare
is last updated at time t1. If increaseAllocation
is called at time t2 with shouldUpdate = false
, the reward accounting from t0 to t1 will be incorrect, leading to insolvency.
Reaction: Confirmed, fixed by removing 'shouldUpdate', and update is always required.
M-3 When _userAllocation < amount < _totalAllocation
, calculation in decreaseAllocation
is incorrect
userAllocations[account] = amount >= _userAllocation ? 0 : (_userAllocation - amount);
totalAllocation = amount >= _totalAllocation ? 0 : (_totalAllocation - amount);
In function decreaseAllocation
, if _userAllocation < amount < _totalAllocation
, userAllocations
will be deducted by _userAllocation
while totalAllocation
will be deducted by amount
. The invariant totalAllocation = sum(userAllocations)
will be broken.
Reaction: Confirmed, fixed by using '-=' on 'userAllocation' and 'totalAllocation' directly.
M-4 Allocated amount is not taken into consideration at getAvailableBalance
function getAvailableBalance(address account) external view override returns (uint) {
uint _userUsedVotes = IVoter(voter).userUsedVotes(account);
uint _balance = balanceOf[account];
return _balance > _userUsedVotes ? (_balance - _userUsedVotes) : 0;
Allocated amount also counts for user's voting power. However, it is not considered in function getAvailableBalance
Reaction: Confirmed, it seems getAvailableBalance function is not used anywhere in our smart contracts/frontend at the moment, we are considering removing it or reevaluating it before final deployment.
M-5 Vortex Dividends should respond when deallocation fee is burnt
When user deallocates, a deallocation fee could be charged. The VortexDividends should decrease their allocation by amountToBurn
instead of doing nothing. Otherwise, the user may receive more rewards than deserved.
/// @dev called on user deallocating veSYNC from the base module.
function onDeallocate(
address sender,
address account,
address submodule,
uint amount,
uint deallocateAmount,
uint fee
) external override onlyVortex {
/// @dev dividends is the base module, and not a submodule,
/// all veSYNC holders are automatically (de)allocated.
/// Doing explicit deallocating is not allowed. We do nothing here and pass to hook.
address _hook = hook;
if (_hook != address(0)) {
IVortexBaseModule(_hook).onDeallocate(sender, account, submodule, amount, deallocateAmount, fee);
Reaction: Confirmed, it seems the logic in VortexDividends has been removed by accident in the latest commit.
M-6 After an account is removed from exemptions, its balance will be frozen
When an account is in exemptions, its allocation will be zero. If it is removed from exemptions again, its allocation will still be zero, so it can no longer redeem or transfer the balance since userAllocations[account]
will underflow.
function _deallocate(
address account,
uint amount
) private {
uint _userAllocation = userAllocations[account];
uint _totalAllocation = totalAllocation;
_update(account, _userAllocation, _totalAllocation, account, 0, "");
if (_exemptions.contains(account)) {
if (_userAllocation != 0) {
userAllocations[account] = 0;
if (_userAllocation > _totalAllocation) {
totalAllocation = 0;
} else {
unchecked {
totalAllocation -= _userAllocation;
} else {
// revert due to underflow
userAllocations[account] -= amount;
totalAllocation -= amount;
Consider allocating getUserTotalVortexAmount
manually in setExemption
when removing an account from exemptions.
Reaction: Acknowledged, no changes will be made at the moment. The exemptions will be preset for address like liquidity pools. The workaround is using setAllocation for the address when removing it from the exemptions.
M-7 Calculation when allowPartialVotes
is incorrect
if (allowPartialVotes) {
uint _lastVotingPowers = userLastVotingPowers[account];
if (_lastVotingPowers > totalWeight) { // partially voted
uint unusedVotingPowers;
unchecked { /// @dev already checked
unusedVotingPowers = (_lastVotingPowers - totalWeight);
totalWeight += (totalWeight * unusedVotingPowers / _lastVotingPowers);
The calculation should keep the same proportion of vote used before and after the recast. To achieve this goal, we should directly let totalWeight = _lastVotingPowers
Reaction: Confirmed
Low Risk
L-1 Non validated external call in _allocateGuage
and _deallocateGuage
IGauge(gauge).update(account, 0, "");
Consider checking isGauge
before making the call.
Reaction: Confirmed
L-2 An account in exemptions can still receive rewards as long as it does not redeem or transfer
Similar to M-6, consider clearing allocation in setExemption
manually when adding an account to exemptions.
Reaction: Confirmed
L-3 claimable
is still decreased to zero when balance is insufficient
When sending rewards, if balance is insufficient, claimable
is still set to zero. Consider updating the claimable
to the amount of the shortfall instead.
Reaction: Confirmed
L-4 stake
will always fail
function stake(uint amount, address to) external { // router compatible interface
put(amount, to, "");
The empty string here will always lead to revert.
(address gauge) = abi.decode(data, (address));
IGauge(gauge).update(account, 0, "");
Reaction: VortexBoost is not a default submodule, so the stake() function will not call it. This should be fine.
L-5 userPoolVotes
can be tricked to be lower than actual amount by including duplicate pools in the array
for (uint i; i < n; ) {
_pool = _pools[i];
_gauge = gauges[_pool];
require(_gauge != address(0), "Gauge not exists");
_poolWeight = _weights[i];
_userPoolVotes = _poolWeight * _votingPowers / _totalWeight;
if (_userPoolVotes != 0) {
if (!isPoolPaused[_pool]) {
userPoolVotes[_pool][_account] = _userPoolVotes;
When the input array includes duplicate pools, userPoolVotes
will be overwritten, userPoolVotes
can be tricked to be lower than actual amount. Consider changing the line to userPoolVotes[_pool][_account] += _userPoolVotes;
Reaction: Confirmed
L-6 No check that minDistributeAmount
is larger than rewardDuration
if (_claimable != 0) {
if (_distribute(pool, _claimable, _minDistributeAmount)) { // whether successful
data.claimable = 0; // resets claimable if succeed.
} else {
data.claimable = _claimable; // updates claimable if not succeed.
(bool success,) = IGauge(gauge).supplyRewards(rewardToken, claimable);`
If minDistributeAmount
is smaller than rewardDuration
, _distribute
will return false and claimable
will remain unchanged after failed supplyRewards
. A malicious user can update the pool repeatedly to transfer the reward token to the gauge.
Consider always checking that minDistributeAmount
is larger than rewardDuration
Reacion: Confirmed. Fix: Gauge.supplyRewards will revert if rewardRate is 0, and voter to use try-catch to check if the function is successful.
L-7 No pop for pools
The length of pools
can only increase. Consider adding a method to pop.
Reaction: Acknowledged. No changes to be made at the moment given the limited impact.
L-8 Deallocation fee can be set too high
function setDeallocationFee(address _submodule, uint24 fee) external onlyOwner {
require(fee <= 1e5, "Invalid fee");
deallocationFees[_submodule] = fee;
emit SetDeallocationFee(_submodule, fee);
Deallocation fee can be set up to 100%! Consider setting a lower limit.
Reaction: Confirmed. Add a limit is reasonable.
L-9 veSync is not considered in rescueERC20
in VortexToken
All the veSync token can be transferred out! Consider adding these lines in rescueERC20
if (token == address(this)) {
balance -= totalAllocatedAmount + totalRedeemingAmount;
Reaction: Confirmed